London 2014
On June 19th, 2014, at 11 a.m. we met to start our journey to London. Everybody was excited because the majority never has travelled by plane or has been in London before. For over 200 days prior to the trip to London we counted the days. Then the day has come.I was in the same bedroom as my friends Alexa, Carmen and Anabel. We had a lot of fun together.
On the third day, we saw the Big Ben, the London Eye and the Greenwich Park.
The Greenwich Park is one of my favorite places in London. It was impressive.
We went there by boat on the Thames. For some students this was their first trip on a boat, so it was even more beautiful. When we arrived at the Pier at Greenwich Park we went first to the top of the hill to see the view of London ctiy and the Prime Meridian, on which the Coordinated Universal Time is based.
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We were happy and suddenly we had the idea to dance a little bit. It was funny, although all the people watched at us.
On the way back to the hotel almost everybody fell asleep. So did I. Some students caught a sunburn in their faces.
Later, we arrived at our metro station Bayswater and we had the choice where to go for dinner. I went to the Pizza Hut with Antonio and Roxana. There you can choose whatever you want as a topping on your pizza and you can prepare your own salad.
Antonio decided to try something which already was on the table in a small box. It was red. I told him that I suposed that it could be quiet spicy but he tried. Suddenly he took his glass of water and drank very quickly. So it was spicy.
When we finished eating, we paid and went out. María José was waiting there for us and opened a strawberry juice. It overspilled and although there was a lot on the ground yet, there was still so much inside the bottle. I helped her to avoid larger damage so my hands were full of juice too. But it didn't matter because it tasted well.
On the last day in London we went to the Oxford Street for shopping. We did not have a lot of time but anyway I enjoyed it. I went with Carmen to look for a Sturbucks Coffee. We didn't find it, so we had to ask someone. Of course we didn't just ask anyone, we asked a good-looking young man and finally we found Starbucks. At 2 p.m. we met at the metro station ''Oxford Circus'' and we travelled the last time on our trip by metro.
At 4 p.m. the shuttle bus to the Airport should have come to pick us up but it came late. We left the hotel 30 minutes to late. When we arrived at the airport, 70 minutes before the departure of our plane, we had some stressful situations. Finally we got on the plane.
It was an awesome trip. I have never been to another country with my class before. It was amazing, interesting, exciting, fun, emotional and unforgettable. My class is my family, which my classmates and my teachers belongs to. In London I noticed how it is to feel good and to be part of this "family", which always will be there for me. I wouldn't change anything.
Now I have some questions for you:
1.- Who did you share the room with?
2.- What did you experince in London, you have never experienced before?
3-. Do you prefer living in a city like London or in a town like Montoro? Why?
4.- If you could go to this trip again, would you change anything?
Hi Lilian:)
ReplyDelete1.-I shared room with Sara. We were appart of everybody,under the teachers' bedrooms hahaha.
2.- In London, I knew me better, I knew that I can support on me and I don't know,it was amazing. I always travel with my family and it was the first trip in another country with my class.
3-. The people of London were so stress and it made me stress too! I love London but I prefer Montoro because of the weather,the people,the parties,the traditions...
But well,if I must live in London for a time,I don't mind.
4.- Stay more days and see the museums and places more slowly.
Bye Lilian:)
Hi sister heart!
ReplyDelete1.-I shared it with Maria Angeles.
2.-In the hotel I was translating from German to Spanish, that was a great experience and is was fun too. Even if I think that my Spanish friends didn't understand my translation.
3.-I think to grow it is better to live in a city like Montoro but if you are older I think it is great to live in a city like London.
4.-I would stay more days and I would remind Maria Angeles that she don't lose her money again.
Hi Liliaaan!
ReplyDelete1.- I shared my room with Francisco, it was funny because I only slept in my beedrom the first night, the other I slept with other people JAJAJAJA.
2.- In London, I learnt to known how live outside your home, althought it was only 5 days, but it was the first time that I past such time outside my home, it was an incredible experience!
3.- I prefer live in a city, but not in a big city like London, I prefer a small city like Cordoba, where you can find many good sites but it isn't very big.
4.- No, because I think that everything happens for a reason, and if something change maybe it was not been as it was.
I see you tomorrow!
Hello Lilian :D!
ReplyDelete1)I shared my room with Marga and Antonio.
2)Travel by metro, by boat and some other more things.
3)I prefer to live on the periphery of cities in general, because there isn't too much noise and there are a lot of cinemas, shopping centres, parks...
4)Yes, I would stay more days ,go to places such us amusement parks and I would stay more time in Oxford Street, and the FOOD of course, I didn't like Mcdonald's food, I prefer pizza and my mother's food.
hello wife!! jajaja
ReplyDelete1.- I share my room with roxana and marga
2.-my new experience was talking to many people in English and ride Metro boat and plane
3.- I prefer live in a big city because it was fantastic, there are many shops and bowling alley , i like it but on the other hand, live in a town such as montoro is very relaxed because there is just noise, you only hear the old gossiping hahaha
4.- I don't change anythings , I like of all
bye <3
Hi Lilian! <3
ReplyDelete1.- I shared room with you, Alexa and Anabel.
2.- My new experience was travelling by plane, underground, talking with new people, visiting great museums... It was amazing!
3.- I want to live in London, it's really fantastic!!!
4.- No
1.-I shared room with juana marta and rosario
ReplyDelete2.-My new experience was travelling by plane and mettro
3.-In montoro because I hate the city
Hii Liliian
ReplyDelete1.- JAJA I shared the room with you, Carmen and Alexa :3
2.- I think that the best experience was the opportunity to go there, and stay some days and see other cultures, to see that all the things aren't like here. Differents people, places, traditions.
3.-I think that we can't choose one, there are many differences between city and town, they have their pros and contras, you can live in both places, live in city and relax in a town for example.
4.- No, because it was a very exciting and incredible experience with his bad and good moments.
ByeBye :3
ReplyDelete1.I shared my room with Marta, Cristina H and Juana but Alfonso and Cristi Y were always there.
2.Other times I travelled with my parents but to travel with my friends always is better. I learnt that I would live in other types of societies.
3.In my town because although in a city you would have more freedom in a town you can do it more things and everybody is like a family.
4. no! It was a perfect trip and I loved all the things we did.
Bye !
ReplyDelete1.- I shared my room with Raúl,JoseMª and Rubén.
2.- I think that go to London is a good experience because I travelled with my classmates. Yes, I have travelled with my parents to other countries.
3.- In Montoro because I have my friends and everything here.
4.- No, because was perfect.
Hi pretty!
ReplyDelete1.- I shared my room with you and Carmen and Anabel.
2.-I love it ! i love travellwith my friends so..
3.- I don't know because my family lives in Terrassa and it's a city but I like Montoro too