
Enjoy Christmas with much happiness

Christmas is one of the most important festivals of Christianity, along with the Easter and Pentecost. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, is celebrated on December 25 in the Catholic Church. December 25 Christmas begins. That day is to be with the family and enjoy a good dinner and singing carols.

The 28th is the day of the innocents, a typical day in which jokes are spent people. December 31st is new year's Eve and the custom is taking the twelve grapes to greet the new year. Day 5 children leave their shoes or socks near the fireplace and hope the Kings Magi bring them sweets or if naughty bad coal.And the 6 day receive the gifts of the Magi. The sweets at Christmas are the Marzipan, mantecados and polvorones. The most prominent instruments are the tambourine, drum or the zambomba. This is a type of song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXbUIaIVTcc

1 In which day start Christmas? What day does take place eve? What is celebrated on December 28?
2 What day you receive gifts on December 25 or January 6?
3. What do you think about Christmas?
4 What is it take to celebrate the entry of the new year?
5. What gift you expect this year?

Bye-bye ;-)


             Don't leave them, they'll never do it

Increasingly understands that domestic animal
considered an maltreatment and on the street,
 animals can't care for themselves because they
 are used to being fed and have the protection of
 their health.The relationship between the humans 
and the dogs is millinery, and are the dogs who
 have given fidelity and affection for the man many
 times, However, have been treated them as objects.

 The abandonment in the world is really alarming,
 the (OIE) was calculated more or less 400 million
abandoned dogs. Luckily most abandoned animals
 in Spain are collected by animals protections or
 municipalities. It could be said that the grounds
 on what you have been abandoned are:
 Lack of interest in the animal, the emergence
 of one child... 

In my opinion animal abuse is one of the most cruel barbarities made was humans over the years for not respecting not only the species for this animals and  destroy the habitat of many others, 
so should be taken measures and each help as we can to
 returning to a past that reality.

if you want see this video. and see this page OIE
·answer this questions.

  •  What is the complete name of the OIE?
  • Put some causes more animal abandonment.
  •  Give your opinion on this topic.
  • What do you think about the acts that perform animal shelters?
  • Do you have any pets? Do you think you are able to leave him?
                                                                                                  by: Alexa Vega Lara 



In Montoro, one of the most important things is the Easter. The Easter is declared of touristic interest from 1998. For an habitant of Montoro, Easter is passionate and he does everything he can to be with his Padre Jesus in his exit . The Easter is DEVOTION.

There are 9 brotherhoods:

-Cofradía de la Entrada Triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Ermita de Santa Ana'' in the Retamar.
-Cofradía del Cristo de la Humildad y la Virgen de Consolación y Esperanza. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de Ntra Sra del Carmen''.
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo de las Penas. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de San Bartolomé''.
-Cofradía de la Santa Vera Crux. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de Santiago''
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo de la Flagelación y Ntra Sra. del Rosario en sus Misterios Dolorosos. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de Jesús Nazareno''
-Cofradía de Ntro Padre Jesús Nazareno y la Virgen de los Dolores. Founded in the XVII century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Juan de Letran''
-Cofradía del Cristo de la Misericordia y la Virgen de las Angustias. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''
-Cofradía del Santo Sepulcro y la Virgen de la Soledad. Founded in the last third of the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''.
-Cofradía del Stmo. Cristo de la Resurrección. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia''.

Here, some photos of all the brotherhoods

Also, there are a station of the cross in wich the women keep a promise to ''Ntro Padre Jesus Nazareno''

The bands and the Roman Empire

    Also, there are bands of music, wich are:
    -Agrupación Musical Jesús Caído.
    -Bcctt Maria Stma del Amor y la Paz.
    -Asociación Músico-Cultural Juan Mohedo.

   Montoro is famous for it Roman Empire too.

If you want to see a short video related to the Easter of Montoro, click HERE


1. Do you like the Easter of Montoro? Why?
2. Do you know something more about the Easter of Montoro?
3. Do you take part in some procession?
4. Do you collaborate in any brotherhood? In which one?
5. Do you form part of some band of music in Montoro?
6. Which procession is the most important for you? Why?


WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE IN THE FUTURE?  Dream.... it´s free

Many people say.... We only must to think in the present but I don´t think the same.

I want to think in my future:

First in my studies.

I like think when I'm at university, as most of you know I want to be a doctor or a pediatrician so I must to study it for 6 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQtbBYMxNWU 
I love this video it´s in spanish but I want that you see it, above all the people who want to study medicine.

When I finish it I want to  volunteering with charities because if I study medicine I can help many people that don´t have money and they can´t go to a hospital.

I can show you a charity where I participated and you can see many people who need our help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlKxyAo_Wk0

I can´t believe how in the 21st century there is people in this situation so we must to help them as we can, now I am participated with money because I can´t do something else, so it´s very important!!

With this blog I want you think about the future your studies and do good things to help people who need it! 


1. Do you know what are you going to studing? Or what do you want to study?
2. Do you like medicine? Why or why not?
3. Tell me what do you think about charitys.
4. What is the video about?

I hope you think about it and tell me what do you think abou the test.




The Titanic was the most important ship in the world, in the century XX.

The construction started in May of 1909.

The Titanic had a lot of comforts, for example: electric light and it had heater in all its rooms.
On April 2, 1912, the Titanic was constructed and eight days later, the ship set sail of English seaport of Southampton at twelve o´clock.

The Titanic was going to New York, but first, the ship stopped in Cherburgo and Queenstown to collect more passengers.

The first three days, the trip didn´have problems. The captain, Mr.  Edward Smith knew that there were a lot of ice in this zone, however, he decided to continue to great speed.

On April, 14, at 23:40 hours, all the people was dancing and talking very happy. Suddenly, the look-out saw an enormous iceberg. The look-out informed the Captain Smith, but it was too much late. The Titanic crashed with the iceberg.
The engineer of the ship studied the accident but it was very complicated because the ship was sinking. Nobody could do anything.

The Titanic sent a sign of SOS, but the most nearby ship was at fours hours. A few minutes later, the crew started to haul donw the lifeboats, but there weren´t a lot of lifeboats.

All the people was very nervous and they wanted to save although, there were people who was helping others persons.

At 2:20, the Titanic sank and only the voices were listened asking for help.
Finally, 1500 persons died that cold night.

In 1997, James Cameron directed one of the most important movies of the history of the cinema based on the Titanic. This film won 11 Oscars.

1. Did you know the history about the Titanic?
2. What do you think about the accident?
3. Did the Captain Smith take a good decision?
4. Do you think that this accident can happen nowadays?
5. Have you seen the movie? Did you like the film? Would you return to see the movie?



Venice is my favorite city because you can relax apart from giving you a way through the city by boat, you can visit its beautiful sites.

Venice is famous because the water passes into the city and is totally surrounded by it.The city is built on 118 small islands linked by 455 bridges, if we include the islands of Murano and Burano. You get to Venice from the mainland by the Liberty Bridge, which accesses the Piazzale Roma. Inside the city, there is no traffic. Public transportation is done by boats called VAPORETTOS.

Bridge of Sighs is the emblem of Venice. Legend has it that the other side of the bridge was Venice prison. When prisoners passed through the looking for a sale small because it was and sighed his last breath of fresh air.

Venice is famous for its "patisserie": cakes, ice cream and sweet doughs. Besides Italian food, as fish San Pedro, the Rape and eels are common dishes. Also appreciates the rice in the area. And between the meat liver with onions.
And, as in Italy, the supply of pizzas and pastas, as well as the "risi e bisi", a dish of rice with peas and ham.

Ice Cream

Venetian Ice Cream is definitely one of the best in Italy, the gelato or Italian are spoken in the gelaterie, serve many seasonal flavors and some unique Veneto area.

and now you have a video


1.-It's called the bridge connecting Venice with Italy?
2.-You want to visit Venice? why?
3.-In the video there is another island of Venice, what is?
4.-What palace and basilica that come in the video?
5.-You like the food of Venice?Why?
6.-You could tell something more about Venice?



Paramore is an american band of pop-punk and rock alternative, formed in Franklin, Tennessee in 2004. 
At present the band is composed by: the vocalist Hayley Williams, the bassist Jeremy Davis and the guitarist Taylor York. The previous members were:  John Hembree(2005), Jason Bynum(2004-2005), Hunter Lamb (2005-2007), Josh Farro(2004-2010), Zac Farro(2004-2010) and Josh Freese(2011).Their songs talk about things that we can learn about life , the problems, our disappointments,  the things that we can change for the better and about love.

Here you have the link of the songs: "Turn it off"  , "Escape route" and "The only exception".

In 2008, Paramore recorded the song "Decode" and It was released as part of the album from

the film Twilight: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. In 2009, Paramore was nominated at the Teen Choice Awards with the song "Decode" in the category of Best Rock Song and won.

Here you have the videoclip of the song "Decode"

Paramore has a lot of concerts in America (U.S.A, Canada, Mexico,...) , Europe (Uk, France, Irlanda,...), South America, Oceania (New Zealand), Southeast Asia... And the people love his music, like me.

1.-Did you heard about the band "Paramore" before you read this blog post?
2.-Do you like rock music? Why? Why not?
3.-Have you got a favourite band? Which one?
4.-How is called the first album of Paramore?
5.-What songs do you listen for feel better?

Thank you very much for reading my post!! See you in class!! 



Ramón Melendi Espina is a Spanish pop singer with rock, flamenco and rumba influences. He was born on January 21, 1979 in Oviedo, Asturias.

In 2001, he joined a group called "El Bosque de Sherwood", and soon after recorded a demo with only three songs, "Sin Noticias de Holanda", "El Informe del Forense" and "Vuelvo a traficar".
In February 2003, Melendi released his first solo disc called "Sin Noticias de Holanda" with twelve songs.

In 2005, he released his second solo CD,"Que el cielo espere sentao", which has sold more than 200,000 copies.

In 2007, he received the "Best Tour" award from the "Premios de la Música" ceremony held in Córdoba.

On August 9, 2008 he presented his new single, "Un violinista en tu tejado".

On March 17, 2009 he released a new double CD, "Aún más curiosa la cara de tu padre".
On November 13, 2012 he released a new album called "Lágrimas Desordenadas".
You can watch the songs of "Lágrimas Desordenadas" here.

In 2012, Melendi participated in "La Voz", but on September 16, he leaved this programme.

Melendi is my favourite singer. His voice, the feeling when singing and the lyrics of his songs reflect his personality. The lyrics of his songs are special to his fans.

  1. What do you think of Melendi?
  2. Do you like his songs? Why? Why not?
  3. Which of his discs have you liked more?
  4. Do you believe that he is a good singer?
  5. What prize did receive Melendi in 2007?


Do the spanish children spend a lot of time watching television?

A lot of people in Spain, watch the television every day. There are people that spend hours and hours in front of the TV. Many statistics say that the 91% of the population in Spain, watch television about 3 hours daily. But how many time spend spanish children watching television? They watch TV more than german and british children. Also, they're in the european ranking of the children that they watch more the television.

Spanish children spend a lot of time watching television

Spanish children, watch all types of things in their televisions; tv cartoons, and they also watch programmes like 'The Voice' or 'Masterchef'. And, do their parents control what they see on tv? In Andalusia, a study say that a 40% of the parents don't know what things watch their children in television.
In our country, we have a good variety of channels, so the population can choose a good programme or serie for watch and enjoy the time.
But, when is the momment that spanish children watch TV? A lot of surveys say that there are more children in spanish television, in the night (prime time).
At the momment, there are many children that they don't do all homework because they are watching TV hours and hours.
In conclusion, here, in Spain many people spend their free-time watching TV, but also, the children devote a lot of time in TV and they don't use this time for walk with the friends, ride their bikes, or go to the countryside.

1.- What do you think about the text? Do the spanish children spend a lot of time watching television?
2.- How many hours do you spend watching television in a day?
3.- What is your favourite channel? Why?
4.- Do you have a favourite spanish serie or TV programme?
5.- What do you do in your free time? Are you watching television in this time?

There are more than 20 channels in the TDT of our country



Dani Martín is a Spanish singer,that was the vocalist of one of the most important musical groups of Spain,ECDL.

Since he was little,he was interested in the music and he participated in some music programs.
Then,in 1994,with his cousin and some friends,they created the group of ECDL.
It was a group that has many influence in Spanish people because their lyrics are created by their own experiences. The most popular good critique about the group is the maturity that they've got during the years that were together and the bad critique,is that there are people that think ECDL was a reply of ''Los Hombres G'' as the vocalist of this group is one of Dani's idols.

They started as teenagers that want to change the opinion of the people,suppose that they were another group that likes the teenagers during some months, and they finished in 2009,with a song that made think to many people and changed their minds.

Here,are the link's of some ECDL's songs.

In 2010,Dani back to the music world,with his first project alone, ''Pequeñito''.
In the cd, Dani told us some of this experiences (''16 añitos'') or express their feelings in the majority of the songs (Mira la vida, Mi lamento).

In 2011 and 2012, he was colaborating in some songs of his friends and in 2013,he back with a new look and with new amazings songs fulls of new lyrics about his experiences,about lessons that we need to make the things better.

He back in Spain with ''Cero'' and in South America with ''Caminar''.

For me, Dani is a singer that changed a lot since he started in the music world but he changed to get better and he did it. I follow him because is a person who is so famous in Spain and in South America, but he's still the same since the beginning,he learns of every experience that he's got and there are few people like Dani.

Here, are the links of ''Que bonita la vida'' and ''Caminar''



1.-How do you like most Dani, alone or in ECDL?
2.-Do you listen some of his songs? Do you like it?
3.-Tell me something that you know about Dani.
4.-What is the theme of ''Que bonita la vida''?
5.-If you can go to a Dani's concert, will you go?
6.-Why do you think Dani is so love in Spain and in South America?



 Dorian is a band made in Barcelona, for 11 years ago. Is a band that play electropop and independent music. When it come the persons that formed it were: Marc, Belly, Jordi and Bart. Marc was the singer, Belly played the keyboard, Jordi played the drums and Bart played the bass. The band has 4 discs, but in the third disc, Jordi wasn't in the band. In his stead arrived Ramón (drums) and Lisandro (keyboard and guitar). This are the four discs and the year:

1.- (2004) 10,000 Metrópolis.
2.- (2006) El futuro no es de nadie.
3.- (2009) La ciudad subterránea.
4.- (2013) La velocidad del vacío.

Dorian have concerts around Spain (Barcelona Madrid, Valencia, Granada, etc) and also in some countries like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Canada, Francia, etc) In Mexico was an accident, ¡There was a  earthquake! and they made a song of this experience: "El temblor"

Maybe you doesn't know about this band, but you know about the fim "3 METROS SOBRE EL CIELO" and in the film appear a song of this band: "La tormenta de arena"
Here you can see and hear the song, the official videoclip.
Here you can see the scene of the film.

Dorian is my favourite band, ¿why? Becouse one of the persons that formed the band is MY UNCLE.
Bart is my uncle, the brother of my mum. I visite him every year. He lives in Barcelona and he's like the idea of formed the band.He plays the bass


1.- What year the band was made?
2.- Do you know something about Dorian?
3.- What is your opinion about the band?
4.- Would you like go to one of their concerts?
5.- What instrument plays my uncle (Bart)?

I hope that you liked this theme, so here the single of the new disc: " Los amigos que perdí":