
Enjoy Christmas with much happiness

Christmas is one of the most important festivals of Christianity, along with the Easter and Pentecost. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, is celebrated on December 25 in the Catholic Church. December 25 Christmas begins. That day is to be with the family and enjoy a good dinner and singing carols.

The 28th is the day of the innocents, a typical day in which jokes are spent people. December 31st is new year's Eve and the custom is taking the twelve grapes to greet the new year. Day 5 children leave their shoes or socks near the fireplace and hope the Kings Magi bring them sweets or if naughty bad coal.And the 6 day receive the gifts of the Magi. The sweets at Christmas are the Marzipan, mantecados and polvorones. The most prominent instruments are the tambourine, drum or the zambomba. This is a type of song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXbUIaIVTcc

1 In which day start Christmas? What day does take place eve? What is celebrated on December 28?
2 What day you receive gifts on December 25 or January 6?
3. What do you think about Christmas?
4 What is it take to celebrate the entry of the new year?
5. What gift you expect this year?

Bye-bye ;-)


             Don't leave them, they'll never do it

Increasingly understands that domestic animal
considered an maltreatment and on the street,
 animals can't care for themselves because they
 are used to being fed and have the protection of
 their health.The relationship between the humans 
and the dogs is millinery, and are the dogs who
 have given fidelity and affection for the man many
 times, However, have been treated them as objects.

 The abandonment in the world is really alarming,
 the (OIE) was calculated more or less 400 million
abandoned dogs. Luckily most abandoned animals
 in Spain are collected by animals protections or
 municipalities. It could be said that the grounds
 on what you have been abandoned are:
 Lack of interest in the animal, the emergence
 of one child... 

In my opinion animal abuse is one of the most cruel barbarities made was humans over the years for not respecting not only the species for this animals and  destroy the habitat of many others, 
so should be taken measures and each help as we can to
 returning to a past that reality.

if you want see this video. and see this page OIE
·answer this questions.

  •  What is the complete name of the OIE?
  • Put some causes more animal abandonment.
  •  Give your opinion on this topic.
  • What do you think about the acts that perform animal shelters?
  • Do you have any pets? Do you think you are able to leave him?
                                                                                                  by: Alexa Vega Lara 



In Montoro, one of the most important things is the Easter. The Easter is declared of touristic interest from 1998. For an habitant of Montoro, Easter is passionate and he does everything he can to be with his Padre Jesus in his exit . The Easter is DEVOTION.

There are 9 brotherhoods:

-Cofradía de la Entrada Triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Ermita de Santa Ana'' in the Retamar.
-Cofradía del Cristo de la Humildad y la Virgen de Consolación y Esperanza. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de Ntra Sra del Carmen''.
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo de las Penas. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de San Bartolomé''.
-Cofradía de la Santa Vera Crux. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de Santiago''
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo de la Flagelación y Ntra Sra. del Rosario en sus Misterios Dolorosos. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de Jesús Nazareno''
-Cofradía de Ntro Padre Jesús Nazareno y la Virgen de los Dolores. Founded in the XVII century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Juan de Letran''
-Cofradía del Cristo de la Misericordia y la Virgen de las Angustias. Founded in the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''
-Cofradía del Santo Sepulcro y la Virgen de la Soledad. Founded in the last third of the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''.
-Cofradía del Stmo. Cristo de la Resurrección. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia''.

Here, some photos of all the brotherhoods

Also, there are a station of the cross in wich the women keep a promise to ''Ntro Padre Jesus Nazareno''

The bands and the Roman Empire

    Also, there are bands of music, wich are:
    -Agrupación Musical Jesús Caído.
    -Bcctt Maria Stma del Amor y la Paz.
    -Asociación Músico-Cultural Juan Mohedo.

   Montoro is famous for it Roman Empire too.

If you want to see a short video related to the Easter of Montoro, click HERE


1. Do you like the Easter of Montoro? Why?
2. Do you know something more about the Easter of Montoro?
3. Do you take part in some procession?
4. Do you collaborate in any brotherhood? In which one?
5. Do you form part of some band of music in Montoro?
6. Which procession is the most important for you? Why?