In Montoro, one of
the most important things is the Easter. The Easter is declared
of touristic interest from 1998. For an habitant of Montoro, Easter is
passionate and he does everything he can to be with his Padre Jesus in his exit
. The Easter is DEVOTION.
There are 9
-Cofradía de la Entrada Triunfal de Jesús
en Jerusalén. Founded in the XX century, the
brotherhood is set in ''Ermita de Santa Ana'' in the Retamar.
del Cristo de la Humildad y la Virgen de Consolación y Esperanza. Founded in
the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de Ntra Sra del Carmen''.
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo
de las Penas. Founded in the XX century, the
brotherhood is set in ''Parroquia de San Bartolomé''.
-Cofradía de la Santa
Vera Crux. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in
''Iglesia de Santiago''
-Cofradía del Stmo Cristo
de la Flagelación y Ntra Sra. del Rosario en sus Misterios Dolorosos. Founded in
the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de Jesús Nazareno''
-Cofradía de Ntro Padre
Jesús Nazareno y la Virgen de los Dolores. Founded
in the XVII century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Juan de
-Cofradía del Cristo de
la Misericordia y la Virgen de las Angustias. Founded in
the XX century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''
-Cofradía del Santo
Sepulcro y la Virgen de la Soledad. Founded in the last third of
the XVI century, the brotherhood is set in ''Iglesia de San Sebastian''.
-Cofradía del Stmo.
Cristo de la Resurrección. Founded in the XVI century, the brotherhood is
set in ''Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia''.
Here, some photos of all the brotherhoods
Also, there are a station of the cross in wich the women keep a promise to ''Ntro Padre Jesus Nazareno''
The bands and the Roman Empire |
Also, there are bands of
music, wich are:
-Agrupación Musical Jesús Caído.
-Bcctt Maria Stma del Amor y la Paz.
-Asociación Músico-Cultural Juan Mohedo.
Montoro is famous for it Roman
Empire too.
If you want to see
a short video related to the Easter of Montoro, click HERE
1. Do you like the
Easter of Montoro? Why?
2. Do you know
something more about the Easter of Montoro?
3. Do you
take part in some procession?
4. Do you
collaborate in any brotherhood? In which one?
5. Do you
form part of some band of music in Montoro?
6. Which procession is the most important for you? Why?