Hi everyone! I'm going to talk about read or write books, I love reading them because they are wonderful and in each story you can learn a new lesson of the life.
My favourite books are "Three Years in New York", a book that Ana Galán write and "The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle", both are amazing.
Here you have a short resume about the book "Three Years in New York"
What would you do if your parents announce that you're going to live three years New York? Having to leave everything. Having to start over.
This is what happens to Ignacio. One day her parents announce that they are going to live in New York, he, his sister Martha and their parents. Ignacio has to leave everything, his friends, his girlfriend Alejandra, his football team ... and start from scratch. But soon you will meet new people, which will soon become their new friends, Nick, Connor, Olivia ... and Jackie.
I think read and write books are fantastic hobbies because you learn, you can have a good time and you express what do you feel or you can feel identified with the book.
1.- Do you like reading? Why?
2.- Do you like writing books? Why?
3.- Do you think read is an interesting hobby?
4.- What is your favourite book? Why?
5.- Do you think the resume of "Three Years in New York" is interesting? Why?