

 Dorian is a band made in Barcelona, for 11 years ago. Is a band that play electropop and independent music. When it come the persons that formed it were: Marc, Belly, Jordi and Bart. Marc was the singer, Belly played the keyboard, Jordi played the drums and Bart played the bass. The band has 4 discs, but in the third disc, Jordi wasn't in the band. In his stead arrived Ramón (drums) and Lisandro (keyboard and guitar). This are the four discs and the year:

1.- (2004) 10,000 Metrópolis.
2.- (2006) El futuro no es de nadie.
3.- (2009) La ciudad subterránea.
4.- (2013) La velocidad del vacío.

Dorian have concerts around Spain (Barcelona Madrid, Valencia, Granada, etc) and also in some countries like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Canada, Francia, etc) In Mexico was an accident, ¡There was a  earthquake! and they made a song of this experience: "El temblor"

Maybe you doesn't know about this band, but you know about the fim "3 METROS SOBRE EL CIELO" and in the film appear a song of this band: "La tormenta de arena"
Here you can see and hear the song, the official videoclip.
Here you can see the scene of the film.

Dorian is my favourite band, ¿why? Becouse one of the persons that formed the band is MY UNCLE.
Bart is my uncle, the brother of my mum. I visite him every year. He lives in Barcelona and he's like the idea of formed the band.He plays the bass


1.- What year the band was made?
2.- Do you know something about Dorian?
3.- What is your opinion about the band?
4.- Would you like go to one of their concerts?
5.- What instrument plays my uncle (Bart)?

I hope that you liked this theme, so here the single of the new disc: " Los amigos que perdí":


Do you know who are you? Are you one of them?

21st century urban tribes

There are four urban tribes that have appeared since the beginning of the century. They have become very popular thanks to the internet. This is a summary of all of them:


The name comes from Emotional Hardcore Music. Most of them are young people between 14 and 20 years old. 

Style: Hair slicked forward covering the face, dark clothes, with piercings, pullovers with hooks, tight t-shirts and showing their underpants.

The name comes from their use of websites as fotolog.com or instagram
Style: Hair medium length with a fringe, clothe with striking colours, skinny jeans, and larges t-shirts.

The name comes from the word "freak". It defines people who are strange compared to the others.
Style:They doesn't matter the clothes that they use, but normally they use comfortable clothe.
There are 3 subculture: Geeks, associated to technology, Nerds, associated to people that study a lot and Otakus, associated with anime and manga. 

The names come from a mixture of the Hippies and the Indies.
Style: They try to wear clothing that does't take fashion. They like glasses and also the things that are vintage. 
This is the most recent culture, although the most famous.

  1. Which of these urban tribes represents you?
  2. Do you think some tribes are more discriminated  than others? Why?
  3.  What do you think is the most prevalent?
  4. Can you tell me some more urban tribes?
  5. Tell me something about Hippie culture.

                                     "Make love, not war"
See you soon!!




I'm going to tall about the types of shoes that have in the different seasons in Spain.

In summer, normally, the shoes are sandals. 

In autumn the most normal shoe are the pumps but it's many cold we put anklet boot.

In winter in Spain we put boots, because in December or Janury are many cold, also we can put a boot with heel.

In spring we put pumps if in autumn.

In any way you can also put trainers for do sport or for a casual look.


1.-What is your favourite shoe?
2.-What you prefer: sport shoe or formal shoe? why?
3.-What shoe do yo normally put? why?
4.-Do you like do sport? Do you use trainers when you do sport?.



Social Networks

Are social networks really necessary in our life?... Help us or damage us social network?...  Are you different if you don't belong to a social network?... 

Social networks are an online communications tool and relationship between people or groups, where registered users can communicate between them.

Through social networks, we can quickly organize meetings, meet friends, share pictures and videos, tell the family what we are doing or where we are or find old friends, among other things.

There are a lot of social networks each one with his differences. Between have the most importance and number of users are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, hi5 or Tuenti.

Is becoming more frequent use of social networks between young people, so it's important to know the advantages and disadvantages of them:

  • They help many people to feel socially accepted.
  • Allows know different views or opinions.
  • Can answer questions or exchange information about something.
  • Allows communicate for free and in the moment with people who are very far.
  • Allows make professional and laboral contacts.


    • They can become addictive.
    • Loss of family relationship and social life.
    • Poor academic results due to the time spent on them. 
    • They can steal contents we publish.
    • They can be used by criminals for data on crime victims.
    • They make threats, they discriminate, they scam and inciting violence through internet, because anyone can create a false identity that will be very difficult to discover.

            1. What do you think about social networks? Is it good or bad for our?
            2. What is your favourite social network? Why?
            3. How many time do you spend with social networks?
            4. Do social networks affect your studies? Positively or negatively?
            5. Do you know any problem for bad use of social networks? Which?

            Thank you for your attention! See you in class!



            How much do we really enjoy our lifes? Is necessary have money to be happy? You can't buy the happiness or the goods moments, so think.. Which is the thing that you don't change by nothing? Which is the thing that make you feel good?

            For me and for some people in the world, MUSIC is our way of enjoy the life, our way for understand it and our way for live a little bit different, in a different world where the problems don't exist. 

            WALK AWAY

            "Listen to music" probably something that everybody do, there are many types of music and all of them transmit different messages. It depends of the song and the letter of it. 
            Usually, when somebody is sad, he or she only likes feel that won't be alone and the better therapy for this is do this, surely because in this way feel that they can go on and get over the problem.

            We are very lucky to be able to find music in whatever place, for these reason and for much of them that I didn't say here, music is a different world for discover, full of fantasy and dreams where you will only can be forever without worries

                           Here I leave you a link of one of my favourites songs

            1.What do you think about the music in general?
            2.What type of music do you like listening? Why?
            3.Which do you think that is the theme of the song? Do you like it? Why?
            4.What is your favourite song? Why?
            5.If you were a musician, what instrument would you like to play?
            6.Like I say in the text, which is the thing that make you feel good?

            Thanks for your attention, see you in class!


            Value people who are every day,nobody said it was easy...

            Since we were small we are accompanied by wonderful people.We started our lifes with the hope that in this way we find many friends, with which laugh,dance,sing,tell millions of secrets and cry...
            Everyone need a person next to us  to give you the necesary power to be HAPPY.

            It is curious because when we are small thought that anyone can be your friend, we call "FRIENDS" too early without meet really the other person,without know if she or he be with you in the good moments but also in your bad times...
            When we were in the playground shared a ball or a piece of sandwich with other, told our intimate secrets or play with our spinning tops them.
            But nothing was important because WE WERE HAPPY. 
            We are forced to pass for all situations that the heart can´t never imagine... 

            The problem comes when the time passes and you don´t realize that the things were changed. Now you haven´t got 14 friends , you haven´t only a ball to play with them...Your problems are different,now you are young, like the adults called "teenagers" and in this moments our worries are study, be someone in the future,our family and the most importan...LOVE...

            Now, you are changed, everythings changed and you don´t know where your life goes, only you know that your priorities are different... 
            Because you must face to problem that only can´t get over.. And in these moments is when you know how many friends have you got and unfortunately you count them with the fingers of one hand..
            It is in the bad moments when you note a look ,a smile or an embrace..

            FRIENDSHIP, a word that is everywhere, we can´t live without a person to  we can call FRIEND.

            We don´t value the people that are next to us every day, most of time we think that a love is more important than a friend but if you have a person with you that would everything for you, YOU ARE REALLY LUCKY! 

            It´s my turn and I am going to say that 5 years ago I am very different, everyone was different. People are constant changes and when the time passes we will be more different too...
            I am lucky because I have got  4 or 5 friends that are incredible and I am sure that you have got a lot of them too..

            A friends is a person with who play,dance,cry
             like I said before but I BEST FRIEND is who 
            never,although comes bad times,
             STAY ALWAYS WITH YOU.

            Now , you´ve got some questions about the friendship and how you live it:
              1. What is the friendship for you?
              2.Is your best friend of small the same person who is now?
              3. How many important friends have you got?
              4.Do you think that the friendship is an importan thing?
              5.What things are you ready to do for a best friends?
              6. Really you know that a love is most important than a friend?

              If click here you can listen a very important song of John                                                                                             Lennon about who would be the world if everyone                                                                                                                value and respect more the friendship!

            I hope you enjoy the text and above all the contain. SEE YOU SOON!